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Wo Ist Voyager 1 Und 2 Jetzt

Voyager 1 and Voyager 2: The Journey Continues

Voyager 1: Sending Garbage Data?

According to NASA, Voyager 1 has been transmitting meaningless data, prompting concerns about the probe's health.

Voyager 1 Breaks Silence After Five Months

After a five-month communication blackout, Voyager 1 has re-established contact with Earth from the edge of the solar system.

Voyager 1: The Farthest Human-Made Object

Currently, Voyager 1 holds the record as the most distant spacecraft from Earth, with Voyager 2 following closely behind.

Voyager 1 Crosses the Solar System's Boundary

Scientists speculate that Voyager 1 has already crossed the heliopause, the boundary between the solar system and interstellar space.

Contact Reestablished with Voyager 2

NASA has successfully restored communication with Voyager 2, which has been exploring the outer solar system since 1977.
